Hey There!! I am Cameron Williamson creative force behind DECORANTS. My mission is to help home or office renovators like you find happiness with proven design and well-being strategies.
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Are you wondering which candelabra will be best for a romantic date setup?
Are you planning to have a romantic candlelight dinner with your better half?
No matter on what occasions you are using the candle, a candle holder is a necessity. As you can find various candelabra designs are available in the market but don’t know which one to choose. We are here to make your choice for selecting candelabra a little easier.
Further in this article, we will be explaining various candelabra designs and on which occasions you can use them. In the past, where there were no electricity people used candles as the primary light sources. Also, rich people had candelabras of various designs which was luxurious too. Nowadays, we use it for decoration or positivity.
We all know, candles can be dangerous if it doesn’t have a proper base. And, for any big event beautiful candelabras can enhance the beauty of that event. We can say, it will protect from misfortunes as well as can give a beautiful lift in the decor.
Many of you might think what’s so special about this, it is just a normal candle holder. But let me tell you, it isn’t a normal candle holder design. It has multiple arms that hold multiple candles, creating a luxurious look. Let’s discuss how you can style it for various purposes:
It is not unknown that candelabra used for this type of event on various art galleries or other things as art decor can be fun that would go in various directions.
For this particular part, I would say gold candelabra having the sides with black taper candles with white roses on the top would be a wonderful centrepiece with other decors on the surroundings.
Black and white always go well together and creates a different vibe that we all love as it perfectly compliments each other and the purpose of the art décor gets fulfilled.
Talking about romance, we can all fond these candelabras already creating a gothic or Victorian look which is one of the famous romantic periods of all times. We can incorporate candelabras in these type of events where the theme is to create romantic vibes.
As for this, you can still stick to those old-school looks having a black candelabra with hurricane glass-shaped votive candle holders design. You must not forget to compliment the whole thing with a slight floral touch around the base, it can be in vases or others.
A beautiful modern candelabra would be one of the vital requirements of many people knowing the beauty of this particular thing. These days many people use it as a prop to click beautiful pictures to post on social media. In the event world, people love having a bright, vibrant, and radiant modern décor that also compliments their room.
You will find various types of candelabras in the market some of them would to quite large to fit in your house or can be space consuming but other modern candelabras having sophisticated sensibilities would work perfectly for your home décor.
Before you consider buying a candelabra, you must have already known about it or have already owned one. So, even if you are not much aware of candelabras or don’t own any but have grown a sudden urge to buy one then you must look at the tips we will be provided below.
Candelabra can be used as a decorative material and would add a little dramatic look to a room whether it is a living room, dining area or other places of your home. At present, you would get thousands of opinions about purchasing the candelabra which might confuse you a lot. As they are available in a vast array including sizes, styles and shapes.
Although you can select as per your choice, it is not always right to jump straight towards a conclusion. Knowing a few tips will help you to save some money, and would help you to make the right decision.
You are here because you have already set up your mind to buy a candelabra so, it is important to consider how much you are willing to spend on it. The prices for each modern candelabra’s design varies with shapes, styles, and, and for materials too.
Considering all the facts, you must set your budget, and try not to spend above it. Also, if your budget is low then you must not look for higher price range items and filter out all above your price range. If you are buying it online, then some websites have filters according to the price range which you can set before buying your item.
Also, opting for a low-budgeted candelabra would not create that beautiful vibe or will be less attractive, then you are wrong. If you properly style the item, it would create an amazing look. Try not to go above your budget and spending more money on that thing if you are not considering spending much.
Well, it’s good that you are willing to spend money on buying candelabra, but do you have a room that would be considered worth buying it? You must have a space that would be eye-catching enough to keep the candelabra.
If you are having less space to keep the candelabra, but you bought too big to fit in the room, then you have to face some space issues.
You can measure the space where you are willing to keep the item so that you can buy accordingly without worrying about the space. Otherwise, there are several décor specialists available from whom you can take various ideas.
You can buy candelabras designs in various styles such as traditional, modern, contemporary or more. The theme would have a higher influence on your decision so, if you love to keep it traditional then go for one.
Otherwise, if you are planning for having a fresh and modern theme but bought a traditional candelabra, then it would be odd to keep it in that theme.
The material and finish of Candelabra: The Candelabras designs vary in various aspects in a wide range of materials too. Candelabras can be made out of several materials including brass, metals, iron, or other things.
Always keep in mind how the material will go with the theme and other aspects of your room. Before making any decisions think twice about how the color of the item. Check whether it will blend with the furniture in the room, wallpaper and windows. You can also create coherence using other lighting fixtures within the room which is equally important.
As the candelabras are somewhat kind of antique items and some are quite expensive so, you would want to keep it as long as possible with you. So, if you are buying it at a good price it is important to clean it regularly to maintain it’s quality over time.
As compare d to other decorative items, candelabras accumulate to hold more dust so, to prolong their high quality you need to have long-term maintenance.
If you think you won’t be able to clean the item regularly then, you must choose a small and well-structured item. Mostly, the larger candelabras are quite tough to maintain that have more complex, intricate designs and you have to invest more time in cleaning.
The final thing that you need to keep in mind that the size of the candelabra will determine the final look of the interior design. If you are having a wide-open and roomy area for the candelabra then consider buying a larger size that would create a hit look. But, you can also try buying several candelabras than a larger one that would be a better fit for such a room.
It’s for sure you’d be quite sensible while choosing a perfect item from several candle holder designs available in the market but you must ensure to keep the things mentioned above in your mind for your benefit.
As, candles add a beautiful atmosphere and warmth to our homes, and you can create a romantic mood at any event or occasion.
It is necessary to know what type of candelabra you can use. I hope you’ve got all the necessary information regarding the designs of candelabra that you can have for various setups through this article. You just need to keep in mind that these candelabras are not just for holding candles as it also elevates the decor giving an exclusive vibe.